Wednesday, September 23, 2009

3-Tier Architecture

3-Tier Architecture
Today Iam going to discuss about the 3-Tier Architecture .

PresentationLayer: This is the layer through which user enters the values or values are shown to the user.
BusinessAccessLayer: This layer is used to perform calculations, validations and write business logic.
DataAccessLayer: This layer is used to connect to the database and perform the required actions which may be inserting, deleting, updating values to database or from database.

First create a table with firstname, lastname, age as its columns. Then write a storedprocedure to insert values in to that table.

Then in the project create a class library with the name DataAccessLayer.In this class library create a class with the name UserInformationDAO and write the following code

public class UserInformationDAO
public void InsertUserInfo(string firstname, string lastname, int age)
       SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionstring);
       SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(“InsertUserData”, con);
       cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

cmd.Parameters.Add(“@firstname” , SqlDbType.Varchar, 30).value = firstname;
cmd.Parameters.Add(“@lastname” , SqlDbType.Varchar, 30).value = lastname;
cmd.Parameters.Add(“@age” , SqlDbType.Int).value = age;

catch(Exception e)
         throw e;

In the above code connectionstring means connection parameters. Which contains servername,databasename, userid, password.
InsertUserData is the name of the storedprocedure to insert values in to the
table. @firstname,@lastname,@age are the storedprocedure variables.Using cmd.Parameters.Add we are adding values to cmd.

Now once again create a class library named BusinessAccessLayer and create a class in that named UserInformationBAO.

public class UserInformationBAO
private string firstname;
private string lastname;
private int age;

public string FirstName
          get { return firstname;}
          set { firstname = value;}
public string LastName
           get { return lastname;}
          set { lastname = value;}
public int Age
          get { return age;}
          set { age = value;}

public void InsertUserInfo()
          UserInformationDAO uinfo = new UserInformationDAO()
          uinfo. InsertUserInfo(FirstName, LastName, Age);

In the above code we have written 3 properties. In InsertUserInfo method we are creating an object of UserInformationDAO class, using that we are invoking the method InsertUserInfo of UserInformationDAO class.

In .aspx.cs page you need to write the following code to read values from textboxes.

protected void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
          UserInformationBAO uinfobao = new UserInformationBAO();

          uinfobao.FirstName = txtfirstname.Text;
          uinfobao.LastName = txtlastname.Text;
          uinfobao.Age = txtage.Text;

Here first we are creating an object of UserInformationBAO class and using that object we are reading the values in to properties.

In .aspx page you will have 3 textboxes for firstname, lastname and age. Below these you should create a button so that when this button is clicked values from text boxes will be saved in to database.

<asp:Label ID=”lblfirstname” runat= “server”>FirstName </asp:Label>
<asp:Textbox ID=”txtfirstname” runat = “server” ></asp:Textbox>

<asp:Label ID=”lbllastname” runat= “server” >LastName</asp:Label>
<asp:Textbox ID=”txtlastname” runat = “server” ></asp:Textbox>

<asp:Label ID=”lblage" runat= “server” >Age</asp:Label>
<asp:Textbox ID=”txtage” runat = “server” ></asp:Textbox>

<asp:Button ID=”btnsubmit” runat= “server” Text = “Submit” OnClick= “btnsubmit_Click”></asp:Button>